Monday, April 27, 2020

Lave New World

     There are zero pieces of trash along the road this morning, a first in over ten years of walks to work. No Walmart bags. No DQ straws, Bud Light cans, or Juhl boxes. Not even any condoms. I resort to cigarette butts, something I only normally notice when squatting to grab larger pieces. What in the world?


    This world has already changed with the new coronavirus. Carbon dioxide levels have dropped, smog has lifted, and air travel has plummeted. There's been less driving despite historically low gas prices. People are staying home, making their own food, cleaning their own houses, even taking care of their own children. 
     Before covid 19, I never imagined we selfish humans could actually make the selfless choice to do or buy less to improve the environment. While this global act of restraint is probably as much for self preservation as concern for the planet, it's impact is here for all to see: A cleaner world.


     When this terrible pandemic has subsided and life resumes in all of it's manifestations, I'm hoping we can all walk more like my first grandchild recently started doing at one-year-old - with surprise at the miracle of movement, with joy at a newfound sense of autonomy, with purpose to live and laugh and love. This may be our best and last chance to save the Earth from ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Inspiration for us all to learn from this and keep a cleaner world.
